An Inspiring Day for Women in Business

Join us for a unique opportunity to invest in yourself and future female talent at our personal development conference in Runcorn on 27th February 2025.


A unique opportunity for personal growth and professional development for women in the workplace, whilst investing in the future female talent in Halton Borough.

With expertise and insights shared by 12 female professional speakers, authors and coaches, a range of talks from the stage and a choice of 8 smaller, interactive workshops throughout the day, a superb, value packed agenda with something for every woman in the workplace to support personal growth and professional development, leaving you feeling energised, inspired and reinvigorated. 

Buzzing with positive energy, you’ll have a spring in your step when you leave us, and plans in mind for how you will use the expertise and insights that our speakers will share with you.

Tickets will be on sale soon and you can join the Wait List to be kept informed when our Early Bird Tickets are available.

The Heath Business & Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire – Thursday 27th February 2025 
9.30am – 4.30pm

You will NOT want to miss out so please register your interest ASAP and
we will keep you informed when Early Bird discounted tickets are

“Actually, she can!” is a unique opportunity for women to enjoy a day of personal growth and professional development as 12 female speakers, published authors and coaches take to the stage to share their talent and expertise and create a day that will leave the audience feeling energised, motivated and inspired and you and your colleagues could be there! 

All proceeds from the event will go to the Halton Foundation* and be used to create bursary opportunities for young people in Halton, for whom there may be one too many hurdles for them to overcome into higher education or apprenticeships. There are certain life circumstances that might mean our young people never achieve their ambitions or realise their potential, and with your help, we can interrupt that pattern. As the Mayor and Mayoress of Halton, we wanted to make sure our time in office was well-spent and that as much as possible, we made a positive difference to our community, and “Actually, she can!” is part of our fundraising programme.


*The Halton Foundation is a partnership led by Halton Chamber, Halton Borough Council and Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action (VCA), and the funds are all managed and administrated by the Community Foundation for Merseyside, UK Registered Charity No: 1068887 

As Mayoress of Halton this year, and with over 30 years in Learning & Development, Andrea has been involved with hundreds of learning events, and is using her experience and professional network to deliver this superb opportunity - for women, by women, in support of tomorrow’s talent. She has managed to secure the services of fellow professionals, each with a strong background, each bringing something of value to the stage - in fact, the sum total of the value is impossible to calculate!

In fact, here is just a taste of the brilliant topics being covered:

  • Smashing your own ceiling and squashing imposter syndrome


  • Superwoman: time to dump the cape & badge - her sell-by date is past!


  • How to achieve even more with less effort, and have fun along the way!


  • Good Girl Deprogramming - rewrite your story & embrace authenticity


  • Why everyone wins with more women in leadership


  • Why playing to your strengths really matters


  • Difficult Conversations in the workplace


  • Turbulent or harmonious team relationships? You choose!


  • How to transform challenges into opportunities for success & growth


  • Style for Confidence - Inside and Out


  • Choosing happiness - what it is, why it matters and how to do so every day


  • Get ready to unlock your true potential and become your most fabulous self


  • And so much more - you really need to be there! 

You really do NOT want to miss out on this unique North West opportunity!

Free, secure parking

A host of professional speakers and a choice of smaller workshops throughout the day

Lunch is included

A fantastic opportunity to reflect, learn, network and top up your positive energy whilst making a difference to the future female talent in our community – what is not to love?!

Make sure you have enrolled on the Wait List so as not to miss out on our Early Bird discount offers – we already have almost 100 people registered, even before this website was launched!

Please contact to enquire about sponsorship packages and VIP tickets, along with group bookings for your organisation.


We look forward to seeing you in February! 

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