With your help, we can break down barriers for young women, helping them break the mould and achieve ambitions, help them into careers that they might never have been able to pursue, and at the same time invest in your own development and motivation – a definite win:win! 

Our speakers include:

Barbara Nixon

Smash Your Own Ceiling - How to stop holding yourself back, side step imposter syndrome and smash your own ceiling. How we can get out of our own way and start getting the success we really want!

Helen Frewin

Why everyone wins with more women in leadership - and how we can get there. Get powered up with a reminder of the business case for having women at the top, and a challenge and guide to all genders to make this possible

Heather Wright

An amazing speaker, seasoned expert in neuropsychology, and here to offer valuable insights that blend science with personal empowerment; it's time to step into the powerful, authentic version of you and leave the day with an inspirational action plan in mind.

Susie Sprigg

Whether you need to build
connections for business development externally, or build your
reputation for career development internally, this session will show you

Valerie J Ritchie

Join Valerie for an empowering session on resilience where you'll discover how to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success, leveraging your unique strengths and experiences to inspire your journey & support others.

Michelle Minnikin

Being a "Good Girl" is holding women back. It teaches women to always be nice, kind, quiet, and put others first, which stops us from being our best selves and leading confidently. By unlearning these habits, and deprogramming ourselves, we can take back our power.

Kerry Lockyer

Ever wondered why we’re naturally drawn to some people over others? .Why some people just seem to frustrate the hell out of us? What this could mean for you, your team and anyone else you know? Join Kerry for a fun session with answers to all these questions!

Kate Harrison 

Unlock your true potential with our transformative workshop, Style Confidence: Inside and Out. This dynamic experience is designed to empower you with the tools to elevate both your inner self-assurance and outward appearance with expert guidance on personal style, body confidence, and self-expression 

Kate Trafford

How to achieve even more with less effort - and have fun along the way! 

Who can resist such an invitation from Master Coach & author Kate? 

Jane Kenyon

Superwoman - Why she is sabotaging our authenticity? It’s time to dump the cape and badge and embrace our feminine wisdom!

Jane will share her experience and lessons from over 3 decades of supporting women and girls to be the best version of themselves. 

Jo Howarth 

Choose Happiness - Jo's session will expand on what happiness actually is, why it's so important in all areas of life and how to choose it every single day.

Andrea Newton

Why do we struggle sometimes to have those “difficult conversations” with people, at work and at home, and more importantly, how do we successfully navigate a positive outcome? 

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